

package Plagger::Plugin::Visualize::Graph::DensityCell;
use strict;
use base qw( Plagger::Plugin );
use Imager;
use File::Spec;

sub register {
    my ($self, $context) = @_;
                            'publish.entry.fixup' => \&fixup_entry,
                            'publish.finalize' => \&finalize,

sub fixup_entry {
    my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;

    my ($x, $y) = map {
        my $result = eval $self->conf->{vector}->{$_}->{value};
        if ( $@ ) {
            $context->log( error => "vector Error: $@ with $self->conf->{vector}->{$_}->{value}" );
    } @{['x', 'y']};
    $context->log( debug => "x:$x, y:$y" );
    $self->{density}->[$y]->[$x] = ($self->{density}->[$y]->[$x])
        ? $self->{density}->[$y]->[$x] + 1 : 1;

sub finalize {
    my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;

    my ($x_sort, $y_sort) = map {
        my $sort = eval $self->conf->{vector}->{$_}->{sort};
        if ( $@ ) {
            $context->log( error => "sort Error: $@ with $self->conf->{vector}->{$_}->{sort}" );
    } @{['x','y']};
    $context->log( debug => "x_sort: $#{$x_sort}, y_sort: $#{$y_sort}" );

    my $x_last = $#{$x_sort} + 1;
    my $y_last = $#{$y_sort} + 1;
    my $loop = sub {
        my $process = shift;
        for my $y ( @{$y_sort} ) {
            for my $x ( @{$x_sort} ) {
                $process->( $x, $y );
    my $max = 1;
    $loop->( sub {
        my ($x, $y) = @_;
        if ( $max < $self->{density}->[$y]->[$x] ) {
            $max = $self->{density}->[$y]->[$x];
    } );

    my $width = $self->conf->{cell}->{size};
    my $height = $width;
    my $image = Imager->new( xsize => $width  * $x_last,
                             ysize => $height * $y_last,
    my $color = Imager::Color->new( 0, 0, 255 );

    $loop->( sub {
        my ($x, $y) = @_;
        my $z = $self->{density}->[$y]->[$x] or 1;
        my $level = $z / $max;
        my $color_max = $self->conf->{cell}->{color}->{max};
        my $color_min = $self->conf->{cell}->{color}->{min};
        $color->set( abs($color_max->{r} - $color_min->{r}) * $level,
                     abs($color_max->{g} - $color_min->{g}) * $level,
                     abs($color_max->{b} - $color_min->{b}) * $level );

        my ($px,$py) = ($x - $x_sort->[0], $y - $y_sort->[0]);
        $image->box( color => $color,
                     xmin => $px * $width,
                     ymin => $py * $height,
                     xmax => ($px + 1) * $width,
                     ymax => ($py + 1) * $height,
                     filled => 1
        $context->log( debug => "x:$x, y:$y, z:$z" ) if ($z);
    } );

    my $dir = $self->conf->{dir};
    unless (-e $dir && -d _) {
        $context->log(info => "mkdir $dir");
        mkdir $dir, 0777;
    my $file_name = $self->conf->{title} || 'density_cell';
    my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, "$file_name.png" );
    $image->write( file => $path )
        or die "can\'t write image file. errstr:$image->errstr";

    $context->log( info => "write image file to: $path" );
